Perfecting the Art of Delivering Effective Feedback as a Manager
Time and time again, managers tell me that they have had professional development on their to-do lists, only to have it go by the wayside when more...
4 min read
Archbright Team Member
May 16, 2020 3:44:15 PM
Time and time again, managers tell me that they have had professional development on their to-do lists, only to have it go by the wayside when more pressing issues arose. Even the most senior managers wish they had had more leadership training over the years. Now more than ever, in the time of COVID-19, our managerial skills are being put to the test from managing employee leaves of absence and FMLA to managing safety protocols and PPEs. Simply put, there are a lot of moving targets this year. Leadership development should not be one of them.
One of the biggest challenges in 2020 is employee safety and ever-changing government mandates that keep us all on our toes. From requiring masks to temperature checks, the world is a very different place than a year ago. What can a manager do to keep up? Aside from staying abreast of local laws and company policies, one of the most important things a manager can do is learn to deliver strong feedback. Feedback comes in many forms and can be either positive or constructive. The messages will vary, but the delivery method should be consistent for the best results.
Let’s look at an example like one Archbright uses in its popular course, Supervisory Skills, to illustrate delivering effective feedback.
Brenda is a machinist at an essential business and has been asked to follow additional safety guidelines to return to work. She is a good employee and follows standard OSHA guidelines, but the new mask laws have put her into a tailspin. She does not have a medical condition that prevents her from wearing a mask. However, she finds that it is uncomfortable and far too hot. On three separate occasions, she has arrived at work, not wearing a mask. A few weeks later, Brenda’s supervisor finally decides to confront the problem and issues a verbal warning during Brenda’s performance review. Brenda storms off the job, and the supervisor is left to finish her shift. When Brenda returns to work the next day, she is wearing a bandana halfway over her face. The supervisor is frustrated later that day when she sees Brenda remove her face covering to talk to a co-worker. The supervisor is at her wit’s end.
Delivering feedback is tough enough under normal circumstances. When a pandemic and a politically charged nation are thrown into the mix, it’s nearly impossible to know where to begin without honed communication skills. With a few developed techniques, however, delivering feedback can be far easier for managers, not to mention more effective.
Delivering feedback is not a skill that comes naturally to most people, so it’s important to keep these tricks of the trade in mind in every employee interaction. The more practice a manager can get delivering feedback, the easier it gets. To start, practice delivering positive feedback. The same rules apply. Deliver it in a timely manner, keep emotions out of it, be specific, and emphasize the impact.
Archbright University’s management course offerings are a great place to start for managers who want to hone their skills even further. Leadworker Effectiveness and Supervisory Skills are available virtually, allowing managers to attend class from their home or office. Leadworker Effectiveness is for new leads who are looking to learn the ropes and hit the ground running. Supervisory Skills is for new supervisors and managers or those who have been managing for years but are ready to upgrade their skills. Both classes are highly engaging, allowing leaders to collaborate with peers from varying industries. For more information and proven results, please view Archbright’s Oberto Snacks Case Study highlighting both classes.
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