IDEAL Consulting Services

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Leadership

IDEAL increases employee engagement, improves business success, and reduces risk for discrimination and harassment in the workplace. Explore our Discovery, Organizational Strategy, Consulting, and Training services.

Archbright’s IDEAL services, including content delivered in our workshops, adhere to federal, state, local laws, Executive Orders, and EEOC Guidance What You Should Know about DEI-Related Discrimination at Work issued on March 19, 2025.. Employers, including federal contractors and subcontractors, are legally permitted to conduct diversity, equity, and inclusion training that complies with anti-discrimination laws.

The results of our survey services are intended for informational purposes only. Under no circumstances should the data, analysis, or findings from these surveys be used to violate local, state, or federal anti-discrimination laws, including but not limited to those related to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other protected category.

Conducting surveys is not prohibited by law. All actions taken based on the survey results must comply with applicable laws, Executive Orders, and/or regulations. Individuals and organizations using this data must ensure that their use does not result in discriminatory practices or outcomes, including preferential hiring or retention of employees based on a protected category.

It starts with Discovery!

First, we gather baseline data to assess current DEI maturity and engagement. Gathering data is a way to build and maintain the foundational phase of DEI.

Discovery includes quantitative and qualitative services, summarized findings, and a 1-2 hour executive briefing to your senior leadership team. We can use existing discovery results (for example from past organizational surveys) or  Archbright’s discovery tools.

How Can We Help?
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Comprehensive DEI Survey

Employees assess your organization is doing in 4 key DEI areas: Leadership; Culture; HR Policies & Practices; and External Practices. Once this assessment is completed, our IDEAL consultants will provide their recommendations on DEI strengths and opportunities to advance DEI in your organization. 

EES Plus

Our EES Plus (Employee Engagement Survey Plus) is a measurement tool designed to uncover underlying disengagement within an organization and beliefs that employees hold about belonging and inclusion in the workplace.

The combined surveys set the stage for developing action plans to resolve any issues found through the process.

Focus Groups

For a deeper dive into key aspects of your assessment results and to better assess employee perspective, the IDEAL team at Archbright will facilitate focus group interviews. Focus Groups are approximately one-hour, are confidential and anonymous, and the information is handled with sensitivity and compassion.  

One-on-One Interviews

To create more anonymity, we also offer one-on-one interviews with a subset of employees or with the senior leadership team. One benefit of one-on-one interviews is to build trust and safety. 

DEI Pre-Training Survey

The pre-training survey is an opportunity for organizations to understand the DEI educational needs and interests of staff. The pre-training survey will assess employee familiarity and comfort with different DEI topics. It will also assess employee interest in different DEI topics as well as the structure of the training. The pre-training survey is administered prior to the start of a training or training series.  

DEI Post-Training Survey

The post-training survey is an opportunity to measure participant learning and development post-training. The post-training survey is delivered after a DEI training or series of training. The survey also gathers data on future training topics.  

Organizational Strategy Services

Our IDEAL strategy services support senior leadership teams ready to align their data with benchmarking, create attainable goals, and confidently act. We offer a three-step process: Introduction to the GDEIB, Strategic DEI Planning (roadmapping), and Defining the Business Drivers. These sessions build engagement with the senior leadership team and will take place over a series of 1–2-hour meetings.

Introduction to the GDEIB: The Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Benchmarking Institute (GDEIB) is an international organization that provides DEI benchmarking indicators for organizations to assess their DEI performance. Our IDEAL team will educate senior leaders on the benchmarking system and help them draw alignment on where they believe the organization is operating regarding 15 DEI categories.  

Strategic DEI Planning (roadmapping): The IDEAL team will then support the senior leadership team in identifying areas of opportunity at their organization. Together, we will create an attainable organizational short-term and long-term roadmap focusing on KPIs, action, responsibility, and timelines.  

Defining the Business Drivers: The last phase of this service is to help define and support the business drivers for WHY the organization is investing in diversity, equity, and inclusion. Leaders who can clearly define their WHY will feel more confident overcoming adversaries and will be able to sustain the concept of DEI as a lifelong practice, not a short-term checklist.

DEI Cohort Roundtable: Archbright's DEI Cohort Roundtable is a great opportunity to network with other leaders who are passionate about DEI. These virtual meetings will comprise of a small cohort of peers who are engaged in DEI at their respective organizations either as an executive sponsor, DEI leader, or HR leader. Our IDEAL consultants will faciliate these virtual meetings, supporting cohort members with DEI resources, advice, and lively discussions on key DEI topics and strategies. The DEI Cohort Roundtable is available as an annual subscription, and will be offered on a quarterly basis. 


DEI Workshops

IDEAL trainings (virtual and in-person) are privatized and tailored around your organizational needs. All DEI trainings are facilitated by a subject matter expert (SME) and handled with sensitivity and compassion. They are designed to be interactive and engaging with opportunities for breakout groups, whole group discussion, and individual reflection. 

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Engaging in Difficult Conversations in the Workplace

Learn key strategies on how to navigate offensive comments and behavior, and nuanced conversations around DEI. In this 3-hour training, we will learn what a difficult conversation is and why they’re hard to have. We will discuss the importance of courage, and why it’s a necessary virtue when talking about diversity, equity, and inclusion. And finally, we will gain strategies on how to respond to offensive behaviors in the workplace using the calling-in and calling-out strategies. Engaging in Difficult Conversations is a foundational, yet challenging training that will help pave the way for braver conversations about DEI-related topics of interest. 

Understanding Unconscious Bias

What is unconscious bias? How does it show up in our personal and professional lives? Where does it come from, and how do we know if we have it? In this interactive 3-hour training, participants will better understand the origins of their unconscious biases and the impacts that can occur from our actions. Participants will gain better insight into common misconceptions, learn different types of unconscious biases in the workplace, and how social constructs can impact our beliefs. Throughout the training, participants will gain awareness of how to overcome bias. 

Strategies to Combat Microaggressions

What is a microaggression, otherwise known as a subtle act of exclusion, and how can we combat them personally and professionally? In this interactive 3-hour training, participants will learn how words, gestures, and actions can be perceived negatively, regardless of intent. They will understand the three types of microaggressions through everyday situations and examples, how to respond to microaggressions, and how to demonstrate accountability if one is the offender. Most importantly, participants will learn how to be intentionally inclusive to help prevent microaggressions.

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Cultural Competency and Cultural Humility

What does it mean to be culturally competent? How is it different than cultural humility? And what is the significance of both? Participants will learn the history of cultural competency and humility and understand their frameworks. Participants will also be able to define culture and discuss the significance of its meaning. Finally, participants will understand how to apply learned concepts within their personal and professional lives. 

Let Archbright help you on your DEI journey. For more information about IDEAL Services, email us at

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