CEO Corner: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times
On March 11, at the same time the world tilted due to a global pandemic, my husband had emergency brain surgery and was diagnosed with Glioblastoma....
3 min read
Archbright Team Member
Aug 9, 2022 12:23:07 PM
The Archbright team is out in the community, sharing our expertise on relevant and timely HR topics. Find us at these upcoming events!
Sept. 13, 9:45–10:45 AM | Meydenbauer Ctr, Bellevue, WA
For the last two years, the pandemic put HR Professionals’ expertise, stamina, and patience to the test through ongoing COVID-19-related work rules, regulations, and the need for constant policy review and revision. This session will address current employment and labor law updates outside of pandemic-related issues. There are noteworthy and critical updates in Labor, Pay Equity, Wage/Hour, OFCCP, and employee agreements.
Presented by Ben Eckhart, Attorney
This is just one of many exciting presentations at the LWHRA Symposium. For more information on the event or to register, visit
Sept. 14, 8:00–10:00 AM | Virtual
Beth will provide an update on recent developments in labor and employment law for Washington State and at the federal level. We will discuss recent court decisions, new laws, and agency trends.
Presented by Beth Touschner, Attorney
For more information on the event or to register, visit
Sept. 15-16 | Leavenworth, WA
For the last two years, the pandemic put HR Professionals’ expertise, stamina, and patience to the test through ongoing COVID-19-related work rules, regulations, and the need for constant policy review and revision. This session will address current employment and labor law updates outside of pandemic-related issues. There are noteworthy and critical updates in Labor, Pay Equity, Wage/Hour, OFCCP, and employee agreements.
Presented by Erin Jacobson, Director, Legal and HR Advice
For more information or to register, visit
Sept. 22, 12:00–1:00 PM | Virtual
Many organizations find themselves in a position of rebuilding, rethinking, or reconsidering their culture. But how? And what are key elements to consider? Experience the journey of one company that found themselves with an opportunity to reinvent their culture and rebuild employee engagement. Join Liza Romero and Krisann Hatch as they share the why, the what, and the how through a real-life case study of one organization’s journey. Come away with specific, actionable information to take back to your own organization.
Presented by Krisann Hatch, Director, Workplace Innovation, and Liza Romero, Manager, HR Consulting
Register at
Oct. 5, 10:30–11:30 AM | Spokane, WA
It’s an exciting time to lead the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) work in organizations. Unfortunately, employers often begin implementing DEI without building the strategic foundation essential for its success. An underdeveloped strategy often results in many start-and-stops, setbacks, and ultimately, its failure. Whether your DEI efforts are underway or you’re looking for a sound approach to begin your journey, this session is for you. Learn the strategic work of leaders that results in DEI being a positive transformational force for an organization.
Presented by Joseph Marth, Sr. Consultant, Workplace Innovation
Register at
Oct. 13 | Anacortes, WA
Employers have a duty to conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of alleged acts of discrimination, harassment, or other claims of workplace misconduct. Employer liability can hinge on the quality of the company’s investigation, therefore, it’s critical employers understand when they must investigate and the steps they need to take. In this presentation, Colleen Mayer will review the importance of investigations, when investigations must/should occur, and how to conduct and conclude a workplace investigation effectively.
Presented by Colleen Mayer, Attorney
Register at
Oct. 18, 11:00–12:00 PM | San Diego, CA
With credit unions moving away from the traditional 9-to-5 work at the office business plan, what emerging and shifting risks do leaders need to consider? We are seeing more emphasis on outcome-based performance, focusing on results over processes or location of work. With less face-to-face oversight emotional intelligence (EQ) is moving up the ladder of importance and requires strong leaders to maintain and grow the culture your organization has built.
Presented by Mark Nelson, Senior HR Advisor
Oct. 20 | Meydenbauer Ctr, Bellevue, WA
Presented by Shannon Kavanaugh, Archbright President & CEO
Information coming soon!
On March 11, at the same time the world tilted due to a global pandemic, my husband had emergency brain surgery and was diagnosed with Glioblastoma....
The Washington law called the Silenced No More Act went into effect on June 9, 2022. The Act prohibits confidentiality, nondisclosure, and non...
This year, Archbright once again partnered with Cascade Employers based in Salem, Oregon, to produce an annual Regional Benefits Survey. This robust...