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DEI and COVID-19 Additions to the Regional Benefits Survey

DEI and COVID-19 Additions to the Regional Benefits Survey

This year, Archbright once again partnered with Cascade Employers based in Salem, Oregon, to produce an annual Regional Benefits Survey. This robust survey is a refreshing new look at the Pacific Northwest’s prevailing benefit and policy practices, designed to assist employers as they evaluate and define employee benefits offerings.

We recommend when making benefit and policy decisions, consideration be given not only to one or several surveys, but to your organization’s philosophy, resources, and the environment, both internal and external, in which you operate.

As this year and the global pandemic progressed, practices relating to paid time-off, compensation, and health and well-being became even more relevant considerations for employers. In addition, national events centering around systemic racism and inequality elevated the need for participant feedback on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

The 2020 Regional Benefits Survey incorporates valuable data on COVID-19 practices and diversity, equity, and inclusion practices of PNW companies to help organizations better determine their benefits and policy practices.

COVID-19 Practices

COVID-19 is not only impacting individuals worldwide, it is having a critical impact on U.S. organizations at every level. This includes the shift to remote working, managing leaves of absence by interpreting the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), staffing reductions, and employee compensation and benefit decisions.

In response, the 2020 Regional Benefits survey provides COVID-19 related data on:

  • Paid time off
  • Incentive and Variable Pay
  • FFCRA utilization including Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (EPSL) and Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act (EFMLA)
  • Benefit eligibility
  • Staffing and compensation
  • Work from home opportunities
  • Impacts on employee communication and engagement

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Recent national tragedies have increased civil awareness and discussions regarding systemic racism and inequities across the United States have resulted in a necessary focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within organizations.

Participants were asked to provide important responses to their organizational position relating to DEI. Data around the following DEI focus areas were collected and includes:

  • Importance of DEI organizationally
  • Existence of a strategy or plans to develop a strategy
  • Participation in a Pay Equity Analysis focused on race
  • Participation in a Pay Equity Analysis focused on gender

As 2020 continues to unfold, accelerating change and challenging organizations to consider ideas and strategies that may have been overlooked or previously unknown, Archbright will continue to evolve with you. Our goal is to offer timely, relevant information for employers to make informed decisions.

The 2020 Regional Benefits Survey Reports are currently available for purchase and include the survey full report and the non-profit report. You can also contact our Survey Team at regionalsurveys@archbright.com with any questions.

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